Our hand-picked collective of event professionals is your best option

unique approach to managing your experiential project

Event professionals from our award winning collective are layered into projects based on client needs, ensuring a customized and cost effective approach for every event.

Whether your project calls for sponsorship activation strategy, registration support, a show-caller or technical producer, we build and manage event planning teams for each client from our best-in-class community subject matter experts. We are committed to treating our event partners like family, caring for them in powerful ways and enabling an army of ‘brand gladiators’ for our clients.


Meet Our Leader

Brand Alive Strategic Events

Lisa Marks CSEP, BCOMM

Executive Producer, Event Strategist

Owner of Brand Alive, Lisa is deeply involved in all of our client projects. A Certified Special Events Professional for nearly 15 years, Lisa has a unique blend of agency and enterprise brand-side experience, having been head of event strategy and production at Shaw Communications. Managing a diverse range of executive level events and strategies, Lisa led notable projects for employees and fans including Grey Cup, Shaw Charity Classic, Board of Directors meetings, leadership summits, galas and brand launches. Lisa is a highly technical producer specializing in complex project management and leadership. On weekends, you will find Lisa consignment shopping or walking her two rescue pups.


Our Partners

We work with top-tier event partners who have impressive experience in design, event audio, video, lighting, virtual events and production management and have been collaborating with our core team across Canada for nearly 15 years. Reach out to learn more about our best-in-class roster of event partners.


Our Larger Community

As a company and collective, we believe that it is our duty to offer influence, leadership and support to organizations that drive change from the ground up. Annually, we donate to non-profit organizations through cash giving and compressed rates, amounting to at least 2.5% of our profits. Another 2.5% of our annual profits are dedicated to sponsoring local and international industry associations that work hard to build a flourishing live events industry.


We believe that when you give big, you receive big.


Are you a change-making non profit or charity?

While we don’t believe in discounting our valuable services, we do believe in supporting our community. Our approach is to provide the fairest pricing possible for all charities that come our way, still delivering our premium level service and intentionally going above and beyond. Let us help you in your mission change the world through human experiences.