Our Event Partnerships Playbook

Events are largely successful due to deeply connected partnerships based on aligned values and shared respect. This is why we are sharing our Event Partnerships Playbook: the approach we take with our event partners to provide huge ROI and enormous value to our clients.

Here is everything you need to know about how we work with our event partners to help you with yours. ⁠

Bring partners to the table immediately.

Provide an in depth briefing to your partners including sentiments of the client brand, not just event planning logistics.

We treat our partners like an algorithm: the more information we provide them, the more customized and well-suited our results will be.

Remove the ego.

We know that we aren’t the only one’s provided effective event strategies for our clients, and a huge part of acknowledging, and celebrating, that is to operate from our conscious minds, not our egos.

We play to our partners’ strengths and celebrate their contributions openly with our clients, allowing the praise to be given where it’s due. This enables deep rooted buy-in in our partners, resulting in a deeply committed army of partners for our clients.

Divide and conquer.

We say “aces in their places” for a reason.

Staying closely tied to our partners throughout the strategy and creative phases of the event, we use sharable and collaborative documents with our partners, enabling each team member to bring their strengths to the depths of the project.

Treat partners like family.

This one ties back to our company value of Empathy. Everything from event budgeting - to be fiscally conservative for our clients AND to win for our event partners - to healthy onsite food and beverage for partners, we love to ensure our teams feel appreciated and valued.

This leads to high impact value for our clients, generating huge ROI.

Share the wins.

When we at Brand Alive earn a new client or a project closes after show day, we share the glory with our event partners.

Not just within our collective with the obligatory thank you emails, but publicly, on social media and in front of our clients, too. Our clients will ALWAYS know the team who contributed to the overall success in the event, celebrating our event partners as much as ourselves.

Whether you're new to the live events industry looking to gain insight into creating powerful partnerships, or you're an in-house manager looking to team up with an event planning team that goes deeper than surface collaborations, this playbook is for you.

Send us an email to connect about your next project!


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