Why Digital Experiences Make Sense - Part 1

Your executive team or non event facing portfolio directors in your organization may not understand the world of hybrid, virtual, or digital-first events, and that’s ok. Are they eagerly awaiting for “in-person events to fully return” and counting on a portfolio of experiences to live mostly in-person again soon? Or perhaps you feel a little pull towards integrating digital events into your portfolio but you aren’t sure of the benefits or pros or how to sell it internally.

We get it! 

A big part of our job is not only designing event strategies for our clients based on their goals but gaining buy-in internally, specifically with the executive team or key decision makers, in order to move forward.

So, to support your successful conversations about leveraging hybrid and virtual events, we’ve created a digestible, proof-driven blog series about the power of virtual events, loaded with talking points to gain internal buy-in for digital experiences.

Here is the first important point about digital events, shedding light on the virtual and digital mindset of one of the most prominent industries around.

The Marketing and Advertising industries are embracing digital/virtual wholeheartedly, and you should, too.

There are over 3 billion users online as we speak. Digital advertising has been an established mechanism for spreading brand messaging, targeting customers and generating sales for years now.

What’s happened more recently is a shift towards brand marketing within consumer centric digital platforms like podcasts and games, with a mindset of getting in front of the individual in the most personalized and virtual way possible. 

Rather than relying solely on pop up ads, brands are speaking to their customers directly by investing in “conversation advertising” within new platforms, planting their seeds of brand love through voice and audio. This is not only a nod towards the power of digital marketing, but it showcases that the most forward thinking industries are leveraging virtual experiences to meet their targets.

Also, if you think about it, the live events industry came to stand on its own two feet largely due to marketing creatives discovering the use of human experiences as part of spreading a message. This means that when designing new event strategy for your company, taking a peek at what the best and brightest marketers or the biggest brands are doing is always a great approach, especially now.

So, we encourage our clients to see this move by the multi billion dollar marketing industry as a means to adopt a new mindset: understand that embracing virtual event environments will create enormous and new opportunities to engage in real time with customers and fans, or perhaps get to know their employees better.

If the most established industries have adopted new virtual ways of connecting, corporations and nonprofits of all sizes can jump into the digital events realm too.

Part 2 of our ‘Why Digital Experiences Make Sense’ blog series is all about your support team - Event Professionals Know How To Use Digital Technology Really, Really Well. Check it out by clicking here.

Want to chat more about the possibilities within virtual and hybrid events? Click the link below to chat.

Madie Spence

Collaborative & strategic graphic design that elevates your digital presence so you can continue to confidently grow your business online.

Working with clients across a variety of industries with lean teams, thoughtful goals and rooted in wellness & intention.


Why Digital Experiences Make Sense - Part 2


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