Lessons from 15 Years in the Event Industry

Our owner Lisa shares her top insights from a 15 year career in the corporate events industry!

  1. Take care of your body, mind and spirit as a top priority (they are your sources of power and stability).

  2. Don’t worry about perfect flow. People will steal from you, borrow ideas without asking and attempt to duplicate your magic. Roll with it. No one can recreate what is uniquely you.

  3. Hire ride-or-die’s with strengths where you lack and who are self-led.

  4. No need to worry about what competitors are doing. Do what you do best every day and focus on your clients and team. Never obsess about the competition.

  5. Say no often and get clear on what makes a perfectly matched client for your company.

  6. Strength of conviction backed up by experience goes a long way in building relationships with execs and clients.

  7. Doing the work you love with the people you love is like heaven on earth!

Madie Spence

Collaborative & strategic graphic design that elevates your digital presence so you can continue to confidently grow your business online.

Working with clients across a variety of industries with lean teams, thoughtful goals and rooted in wellness & intention.


Navigating the Evolution of Employee Engagement: The Corporate Sprint for Sentiment and Creativity


Smaller teams of A+ producers are better than a bigger team on any project