Events & The Economy: Boom, Bust, Bring Together - Part 2

Recently, we shared that consumer economic conditions in Canada are pointing to a unique year for the events industry. While this isn’t a major cause for alarm, it definitely highlights the importance of honing smart event strategies to manage perception and ensure clear purpose of events.

The antidote to the impacts of a tough consumer economy is connection.

Events drive human connection more than any other medium. Events build community, break down barriers, and bring people together. Even in a time when consumers are facing tough realities and corporations are managing perception, events fulfill a powerful purpose: connection to the world around us.

Our vision is a world where, in challenging economic times, brands believe it's their job to bring people together rather than scale back.

With the goal of celebrating, conversing and connecting, companies have the unique opportunity to truly inspire new ways of thinking through events. Events have a way of not only changing minds, but of changing spirits. We've seen first hand that a tough economic climate can be combated by the positive and uplifting energy that is uniquely driven by live experiences.

The "boom, bust, echo" economy will remain constant perhaps until the end of time. Our proposed strategic response is "boom, bust, bring together" and repeat.


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