Our Corporate Events Formula Amidst the Pandemic

I get it. The last five months have been excruciating. Unbearable to watch at times, and incredibly disappointing. There are, however, expletive narratives in the world right now saying that “all events have been cancelled” and “the events industry has been completely shut down” and I believe these statements are coming from a mindset that we as event organizers have no control. 

While so much has happened, a complete up-side-down whirlwind of sorts, I want to say there are still HUGE opportunities for using events to build culture, spread messages and bring people “together.”  And, there are mindsets and actions strategic event producers can implement to get there.

Ask yourself:

  • Has the live events industry been enormously impacted? Undeniably. 

  • Have event professionals globally been forced to shift and adjust? No question. 

  • Do events industry businesses need support to weather the storm? 100%. 

Now ask yourself:

  • Are there still new and different opportunities for brands and corps to use experiences in their marketing mix? You bet there are.

In order to live into these opportunities, we have fallen quite naturally into a few pillars of thought, enabling us to guide our corporate, private and non-profit clients through the storm as we make event strategy decisions. 


Stay. Informed. Every. Day. 

Stay up to date with current info in your region. Get comfortable with the very uncomfortable information about COVID-19 and use it as fuel to guide ideas and concepts. We follow WHO, Health Canada, CDC, as well as the federal, regional, provincial, state and municipal guidelines, updates, future thoughts and recommendations. When listening, we tap into our instincts often - what does this mean and how will it impact XYZ client?

The reality is that we as event organizers and planners have a job to do: we create order where there is chaos. First and foremost, some of the structure we need comes from the authorities but there are infinite possibilities in terms of virtual experiences and hybrid models that the government won’t speak to but it is our job to spotlight.

There are hundreds of examples, including within my own business, of using these event strategies to win results for clients. 

As well, yes I know this won’t surprise you but, I join every webinar we can get our eyes/hands on that speaks to corporate levers such as sponsorship, community investment, fundraising, employee engagement and marketing amidst the pandemic. Our goal with each webinar we attend is to find one nugget of useful information, and take it away to investigate further. 


I recommend that event organizers and planners (in-house and independent) increase the ratio of how often they brainstorm with their top event partners. I connect with event partners daily, in various fields and various levels of business. Not weekly, not monthly. Daily. Keep your closest allies close, and use them as a sounding board as often as possible. The more eyes on your event management “team” watching the news and pandemic insights, the better

If you are researching and discovering new ideas (per the above) as regularly as an event planner should be, you’ll have enough to talk about for this ratio of conversation. In these connections, event professionals will find opportunity and safe ideation. 

Those of you who are client side, I recommend checking out associations for event professionals such as the International Live Events Association for your camaraderie, brainstorming and to discover what’s possible with events in your region. 


The last five months have given some event profs the chance to embrace new technology, and implement resources in a new way to enable safe events. A great example of this is Orange Frog Productions in Canada who have developed a deep understanding of using UVC light as a sterilization tool and implemented the technology for clients. There is already effective and useful event technology that has been re-imagined to enable safe event opportunities

Pierre Marleau, owner of Orange Frog, leveraged his 25+ years of lighting design experience to offer his clients and partners the insight and technology into how UVC light can sterilize event venues, offices and products (think cell phones, tools, and event hair clippers at salons etc), safely experimenting with an idea. How cool is that? Check it out here


The entrepreneurial spirit in me says, this is the time to expand our minds about what is possible in live events; get comfortable with calculated risk (and I mean, VERY calculated); bring the “troops” together to brainstorm, map various options including risk assessments and pros/cons, and perhaps experiment in real time if all of the elements fall into place and you can almost guarantee human safety. 

That said, I know this flow won’t always be possible, and there will be more hurdles for event producers to navigate, including first and foremost their mindset. I lead with my heart now more than ever. Every time I speak with a client or colleague who is battling event worries without seeing the opportunity, I do the following:

  • Take a deep breath

  • Remind my client that it’s ok to be worried and that their fears are valid

  • Articulate one positive opportunity that exists within the particular scenario we are discussing

  • Ask my client, what skillsets and levers do we already have that we can call upon to win here?

  • Check in on their mindset by asking a specific list of questions (aimed at empowering their understanding of possibility)

Right now, the main element of my formula for success is to be exceedingly human and exceedingly understanding of how hard this is for all of us. 

However, what makes me an effective partner at the event management table is my whole hearted belief that there is ample opportunity in the pandemic storm if we ignite specific action and a mindset to see it, and capitalize on it. We will get through this. I promise!  

Madie Spence

Collaborative & strategic graphic design that elevates your digital presence so you can continue to confidently grow your business online.

Working with clients across a variety of industries with lean teams, thoughtful goals and rooted in wellness & intention.


Stories from the Corporate Events War Room: Featuring Lana Liss


Stories from the Corporate Events War Room: Featuring Caitlin Lamont